Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Love Extreme 2010

4 of the people that were baptized
Wow can anyone say amen!!!!! God is awesome. Around 10,000 people came to the mega event and thousands excepted Christ into there hearts. As of the following week after we followed up with everyone, and still doing it. The people we have visited we have extended the invitation to them to come on a spiritual retreat. About 26 people came on this last one and 4 were baptized and everyone decided to be trained to be a disciple. When we brought them back from the retreat there was a celebration and 10 more people were saved then, and we took there info to follow up with them. Gods awesome.!! But in Cusco We had a kids festival one day at a kids home. It went great. So after Calin Asked the group if they wanted to go back to the hotel and rest or go help the other group in the plaza and pass out hot chocolate and info about the new church. And by my surprise they all said "we can get anuf rest in the states we came here to work lets go". So we went, And they were not there yet. Some I gathered the 25 short termers up and we prayed over the land. After ward I had a crazy idea. Lets have a kids festival here because we had the stuff with us and well why not? So we did pretty much eventually got about a hundred people there. We had face paints going, duck duck goose, balloons and puppets also mean wail telling everyone that theres going to be Hot chocolate. Well alot of time go's by and still no hot chocolate, so i had to tell everyone that they could not get the 35 gallons of hot chocolate out there. So we left, but during dinner that night got a call that they made it and served over 500 cups of coffee. It was incredible.

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