John 9:24-41
So for the second time they called in the man who had been blind and told him, “God should get the glory for this, because we know this man Jesus is a sinner.”
“I don’t know whether he is a sinner,” the man replied. “But I know this: I was blind, and now I can see!”
“But what did he do?” they asked. “How did he heal you?”
“Look!” the man exclaimed. “I told you once. Didn’t you listen? Why do you want to hear it again? Do you want to become his disciples, too?” .Then they cursed him and said, “You are his disciple, but we are disciples of Moses! We know God spoke to Moses, but we don’t even know where this man comes from.” “Why, that’s very strange!” the man replied. “He healed my eyes, and yet you don’t know where he comes from? We know that God doesn’t listen to sinners, but he is ready to hear those who worship him and do his will. Ever since the world began, no one has been able to open the eyes of someone born blind. If this man were not from God, he couldn’t have done it.” “You were born a total sinner!” they answered. “Are you trying to teach us?” And they threw him out of the synagogue.
Spiritual Blindness When Jesus heard what had happened, he found the man and asked, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” The man answered, “Who is he, sir? I want to believe in him.” “You have seen him,” Jesus said, “and he is speaking to you!” “Yes, Lord, I believe!” the man said. And he worshiped Jesus.
Then Jesus told him, “I entered this world to render judgment—to give sight to the blind and to show those who think they see that they are blind.”
Some Pharisees who were standing nearby heard him and asked, “Are you saying we’re blind?” “If you were blind, you wouldn’t be guilty,” Jesus replied. “But you remain guilty because you claim you can see.
So what happened is Jesus heals this man of blindness and his parents did not even believe him or stick by his side. So Jesus went looking for this man and when he found him he said “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” The man answered, “Who is he, sir? I want to believe in him.” “You have seen him,” Jesus said, “and he is speaking to you!” “Yes, Lord, I believe!” the man said. And he worshiped Jesus. Wow!! I Believe, I know we do but what do you believe when it counts, when your being persecuted, when you’re so angry you can’t see straight. Do you Believe God can pull you through it? Just yesterday Beth one of the girls on our team got her purse stolen and the purse contained 300 dollars, passport and other majorly important stuff. I prayed and Believed God would take care of it but still in my heart I feared we would never see it again. But Praise the Lord we got a call today that the police not only found it but everything was still in there. Woo! AMEN!! Our Lord is awesome. This is a song that I live by. It's Light up the World By The Desperation Band. Let's BELIEVE!!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Fully Committed
We say we desire to be 100 % committed to Jesus Christ on Sunday, but by Monday, we are back to managing our own lives how we see fit. We blame the world for our lack of commitment. This is no different than an adulterous husband blaming the woman he’s with for bringing him down. Yes, the world is always pulling on the Christian’s heart, but we need to love the Lord so much, that “climbing into bed” with the world is not even an option. How do we get there? It goes beyond applying Scripture to our lives and praying, for even the Pharisees did that, and Jesus came to correct them. This is why we fail; we put limits on how far we are willing to go to love God. We say, “I will pray and read my Bible, and I will even be nice to that person. “ But God never stops demanding a change of the heart and our character. Because we are so messed up, God always has a new challenge for us to become more like Him. We fear stepping out in faith. “You are saved by faith”. We fear the very thing that brings you and me to life while bowing our knees and giving our hearts to Satan by not fully obeying God. Jesus never calls us to be afraid. How can an army win a fight, if everyone is too scared to go to the frontlines? That’s why Satan is able to “win” so many souls. Because they are uncontested. People cry out to Jesus, saying
“I want to know You”. God knows better though, for their life is a true representation of the heart. If your heart isn’t God’s completely, then you will never be effective for Him. Jesus isn’t looking for people who will give Him second best. He has churches full of people who don’t love Him enough to trust Him and love Him and give Him their all. What makes Him really excited is when someone, through faith, fully gives Him everything they have. If a runner isn’t out of breath by the end of a race, he hasn’t given it his best. Have we even broken a sweat yet serving God, or are we calling for more lemonade,, while we ignore the frantic cries of those who are headed for Hell? If this is all that we allow ourselves to do and to have, then this world will continue to die, and we make God appear to be a lie, and His church a mockery.
“I want to know You”. God knows better though, for their life is a true representation of the heart. If your heart isn’t God’s completely, then you will never be effective for Him. Jesus isn’t looking for people who will give Him second best. He has churches full of people who don’t love Him enough to trust Him and love Him and give Him their all. What makes Him really excited is when someone, through faith, fully gives Him everything they have. If a runner isn’t out of breath by the end of a race, he hasn’t given it his best. Have we even broken a sweat yet serving God, or are we calling for more lemonade,, while we ignore the frantic cries of those who are headed for Hell? If this is all that we allow ourselves to do and to have, then this world will continue to die, and we make God appear to be a lie, and His church a mockery.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Dareing to be Better
So the Devil thinks he can win, well not on my watch. We just had 4 people from the Cusco group go home. Witch means that 6 churches wont be planted... Well thats what the devil thinks but he's got anouther thing coming, because my new purpouse. To GROW MORE AND MORE and dedicate my every breath to grow the kindom of God!! For the flesh can not controll me and i wont let it. Just because the Cusco group has 6 poeple now dont mean scwat (Judges 7:1-10), Numbers dont matter because with Christ anything is posible. For with the Lord Jesus help, my partner and I will not only do more than 3 churches but we will over throgh thee Kindom of evil in Cusco!!
1Sa 17:44 "Come over here, and I'll give your flesh to the birds and wild animals!" Goliath yelled.
1Sa 17:45 David shouted in reply, "You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD Almighty--the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.
1Sa 17:46 Today the LORD will conquer you, and I will kill you and cut off your head. And then I will give the dead bodies of your men to the birds and wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel!
1Sa 17:47 And everyone will know that the LORD does not need weapons to rescue his people. It is his battle, not ours. The LORD will give you to us!"
1Sa 17:44 "Come over here, and I'll give your flesh to the birds and wild animals!" Goliath yelled.
1Sa 17:45 David shouted in reply, "You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD Almighty--the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.
1Sa 17:46 Today the LORD will conquer you, and I will kill you and cut off your head. And then I will give the dead bodies of your men to the birds and wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel!
1Sa 17:47 And everyone will know that the LORD does not need weapons to rescue his people. It is his battle, not ours. The LORD will give you to us!"
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Forming My Heart
So I’ve been reading and studying in Jeremiah and Gods just been forming my heart like crazy. For example, Gods telling Jerusalem that he’s going to destroy them because of their defiance and ignorance. For God has called Jeremiah the same way he's called me. Like in Jeremiah chapter one says
"Jer 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. "Jer 1:6 "Ah, Sovereign Lord," I said, "I do not know how to speak; I am only a child." Jer 1:7 But the Lord said to me, "Do not say, 'I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Jer 1:8 Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the Lord. Jer 1:9 Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, "Now, I have put my words in your mouth. Jer 1:10 See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant." Jer 1:11 The word of the Lord came to me: "What do you see, Jeremiah?" "I see the branch of an almond tree," I replied. Jer 1:12 The Lord said to me, "You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.
See here The Lord is telling Jeremiah to be like the almond tree. But why? So I looked into it and an almond tree was known as the wakening tree because it was the first tree to bloom then. So He's telling him to go and Wake people up, it’s like he's called him to be an alarm clock. Because what happens to the alarm clock when it wakes you up at 5 for work? Some people through it, hit it or just press sleep. And that’s what this world is doing, pressing the sleep button. But were called to take the beating if necessary and wake them up.
I’ve also been reading the Sermons of Martin Luther and he brings up a good point about comfort. The Lord is our comforter right? This is how Martin Luther puts it, “For what good is comfort, if there is no sorrow and affliction weighing down on ones neck? The fact is, your suffering will not only involve death (that would be trifling and tolerable), but, worse still, those who kill you will think they are carrying out justice, yes, even doing God a service, as though you were in the wrong, not plain wicked murder, but as though a cloud of shame hung over you, with everyone saying: Yes, that hereic got what was coming to him; there was no alternative, and so on. Thus the Lord wishes to indicate that for the apostles and Christians, not even in death would there be solace”. The part that gets me he when it say’s “For what good is comfort, if there is no sorrow and affliction weighing down on ones neck?” Why are we looking for comfort if we are not doing anything to have sorrow or affliction over? I personally think that if you aren’t getting hit by the devil then you’re not working hard enough to grow the kingdom on our Lord Jesus Christ.
Clinging Confidently
But for those of you who are getting beaten or having affliction there is comfort. Even if you can’t find it God say’s “You will find little comfort, but I am not going to let you be stuck under this assault. I won’t lead you into a quagmire to down you; rather, when there is no more comfort to be had anywhere and you are frightened and at wit’s end, then will I send the Holy Spirit who is and is called the Comforter. Have faith and do not despair; do not concern yourself with the judgment of the world, nor the judgment of your own thoughts, but cling confidently to what I say.
2 Different types of Comfort
The first is a worldly comfort, which is false and counterfeit, because it directs a person to rely on material goods, fame, honor, power and the assistance and sympathy of the high and mighty. You, my disciples, Christ says, will get no comfort there, but everything will be against you rather than for you; the world will use its power, honor, goods and wealth to extinguish you. This comfort only brings miserable, poor, uncertain comfort and its temporary relief.
The second comforter s the Holy Spirit, who will comfort you when you are frightened and discouraged, miserable and wretched, forsaken both by other people and by your own hearts. That’s why the Holy Spirit carries the name, because he is a true Comforter who doses not fail. Where there is sorrow and affliction, that’s where you find the Holy Spirit, the Comforter.
So this is just a little bit that God is showing me and teaching me. He’s molding my heart into his and it feels awesome! Please continue to pray that God continues to grow me and form my heart. Thank you all for the prayers, love and support.
"Jer 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. "Jer 1:6 "Ah, Sovereign Lord," I said, "I do not know how to speak; I am only a child." Jer 1:7 But the Lord said to me, "Do not say, 'I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Jer 1:8 Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the Lord. Jer 1:9 Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, "Now, I have put my words in your mouth. Jer 1:10 See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant." Jer 1:11 The word of the Lord came to me: "What do you see, Jeremiah?" "I see the branch of an almond tree," I replied. Jer 1:12 The Lord said to me, "You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.
See here The Lord is telling Jeremiah to be like the almond tree. But why? So I looked into it and an almond tree was known as the wakening tree because it was the first tree to bloom then. So He's telling him to go and Wake people up, it’s like he's called him to be an alarm clock. Because what happens to the alarm clock when it wakes you up at 5 for work? Some people through it, hit it or just press sleep. And that’s what this world is doing, pressing the sleep button. But were called to take the beating if necessary and wake them up.
I’ve also been reading the Sermons of Martin Luther and he brings up a good point about comfort. The Lord is our comforter right? This is how Martin Luther puts it, “For what good is comfort, if there is no sorrow and affliction weighing down on ones neck? The fact is, your suffering will not only involve death (that would be trifling and tolerable), but, worse still, those who kill you will think they are carrying out justice, yes, even doing God a service, as though you were in the wrong, not plain wicked murder, but as though a cloud of shame hung over you, with everyone saying: Yes, that hereic got what was coming to him; there was no alternative, and so on. Thus the Lord wishes to indicate that for the apostles and Christians, not even in death would there be solace”. The part that gets me he when it say’s “For what good is comfort, if there is no sorrow and affliction weighing down on ones neck?” Why are we looking for comfort if we are not doing anything to have sorrow or affliction over? I personally think that if you aren’t getting hit by the devil then you’re not working hard enough to grow the kingdom on our Lord Jesus Christ.
Clinging Confidently
But for those of you who are getting beaten or having affliction there is comfort. Even if you can’t find it God say’s “You will find little comfort, but I am not going to let you be stuck under this assault. I won’t lead you into a quagmire to down you; rather, when there is no more comfort to be had anywhere and you are frightened and at wit’s end, then will I send the Holy Spirit who is and is called the Comforter. Have faith and do not despair; do not concern yourself with the judgment of the world, nor the judgment of your own thoughts, but cling confidently to what I say.
2 Different types of Comfort
The first is a worldly comfort, which is false and counterfeit, because it directs a person to rely on material goods, fame, honor, power and the assistance and sympathy of the high and mighty. You, my disciples, Christ says, will get no comfort there, but everything will be against you rather than for you; the world will use its power, honor, goods and wealth to extinguish you. This comfort only brings miserable, poor, uncertain comfort and its temporary relief.
The second comforter s the Holy Spirit, who will comfort you when you are frightened and discouraged, miserable and wretched, forsaken both by other people and by your own hearts. That’s why the Holy Spirit carries the name, because he is a true Comforter who doses not fail. Where there is sorrow and affliction, that’s where you find the Holy Spirit, the Comforter.
So this is just a little bit that God is showing me and teaching me. He’s molding my heart into his and it feels awesome! Please continue to pray that God continues to grow me and form my heart. Thank you all for the prayers, love and support.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Think About It
Jeremiah Weeps for His People 4:19
"My heart, my heart—I writhe in pain! My heart pounds within me! I cannot be still. For I have heard the blast of enemy trumpets and the roar of their battle cries". My heart writhes in pain for this world that runs away from the truth. In Jeremiah 6:16 says - This is what the LORD says: “Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls. But you reply, ‘No, that’s not the road we want!’. What are we doing to change that? Or Are we just going to except it? Because I don't know about you but it cannot be still!!!!! We have heard the battle cry of the enemy and the sound of his trumpets. We KNOW how bad the devil don't want the kingdom of God to grow on earth.. So are we just going to sit by and watch the devil wop us in the war that we have all ready won? Well I'm not! You? heres a video.
"My heart, my heart—I writhe in pain! My heart pounds within me! I cannot be still. For I have heard the blast of enemy trumpets and the roar of their battle cries". My heart writhes in pain for this world that runs away from the truth. In Jeremiah 6:16 says - This is what the LORD says: “Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls. But you reply, ‘No, that’s not the road we want!’. What are we doing to change that? Or Are we just going to except it? Because I don't know about you but it cannot be still!!!!! We have heard the battle cry of the enemy and the sound of his trumpets. We KNOW how bad the devil don't want the kingdom of God to grow on earth.. So are we just going to sit by and watch the devil wop us in the war that we have all ready won? Well I'm not! You? heres a video.
Dose God Exist?
Here is a little bit of info iv researched on this exact question.
1. Does God exist? The complexity of our planet points to a deliberate Designer who not only created our universe, but sustains it today.
Many examples showing God's design could be given, possibly with no end. But here are a few:
The Earth...its size is perfect. The Earth's size and corresponding gravity holds a thin layer of mostly nitrogen and oxygen gases, only extending about 50 miles above the Earth's surface. If Earth were smaller, an atmosphere would be impossible, like the planet Mercury. If Earth were larger, its atmosphere would contain free hydrogen, like Jupiter.3 Earth is the only known planet equipped with an atmosphere of the right mixture of gases to sustain plant, animal and human life.
The Earth is located the right distance from the sun. Consider the temperature swings we encounter, roughly -30 degrees to +120 degrees. If the Earth were any further away from the sun, we would all freeze. Any closer and we would burn up. Even a fractional variance in the Earth's position to the sun would make life on Earth impossible. The Earth remains this perfect distance from the sun while it rotates around the sun at a speed of nearly 67,000 mph. It is also rotating on its axis, allowing the entire surface of the Earth to be properly warmed and cooled every day.
And our moon is the perfect size and distance from the Earth for its gravitational pull. The moon creates important ocean tides and movement so ocean waters do not stagnate, and yet our massive oceans are restrained from spilling over across the continents.4
Water...colorless, odorless and without taste, and yet no living thing can survive without it. Plants, animals and human beings consist mostly of water (about two-thirds of the human body is water). You'll see why the characteristics of water are uniquely suited to life:
It has an unusually high boiling point and freezing point. Water allows us to live in an environment of fluctuating temperature changes, while keeping our bodies a steady 98.6 degrees.
Water is a universal solvent. This property of water means that thousands of chemicals, minerals and nutrients can be carried throughout our bodies and into the smallest blood vessels.5
Water is also chemically neutral. Without affecting the makeup of the substances it carries, water enables food, medicines and minerals to be absorbed and used by the body.
Water has a unique surface tension. Water in plants can therefore flow upward against gravity, bringing life-giving water and nutrients to the top of even the tallest trees.
Water freezes from the top down and floats, so fish can live in the winter.
Ninety-seven percent of the Earth's water is in the oceans. But on our Earth, there is a system designed which removes salt from the water and then distributes that water throughout the globe. Evaporation takes the ocean waters, leaving the salt, and forms clouds which are easily moved by the wind to disperse water over the land, for vegetation, animals and people. It is a system of purification and supply that sustains life on this planet, a system of recycled and reused water.6
The human brain...simultaneously processes an amazing amount of information. Your brain takes in all the colors and objects you see, the temperature around you, the pressure of your feet against the floor, the sounds around you, the dryness of your mouth, even the texture of your keyboard. Your brain holds and processes all your emotions, thoughts and memories. At the same time your brain keeps track of the ongoing functions of your body like your breathing pattern, eyelid movement, hunger and movement of the muscles in your hands.
The human brain processes more than a million messages a second.7 Your brain weighs the importance of all this data, filtering out the relatively unimportant. This screening function is what allows you to focus and operate effectively in your world. The brain functions differently than other organs. There is an intelligence to it, the ability to reason, to produce feelings, to dream and plan, to take action, and relate to other people.
The eye...can distinguish among seven million colors. It has automatic focusing and handles an astounding 1.5 million messages -- simultaneously.8 Evolution focuses on mutations and changes from and within existing organisms. Yet evolution alone does not fully explain the initial source of the eye or the brain -- the start of living organisms from nonliving matter.
2. Does God exist? The universe had a start - what caused it?
Scientists are convinced that our universe began with one enormous explosion of energy and light, which we now call the Big Bang. This was the singular start to everything that exists: the beginning of the universe, the start of space, and even the initial start of time itself.
Astrophysicist Robert Jastrow, a self-described agnostic, stated, "The seed of everything that has happened in the Universe was planted in that first instant; every star, every planet and every living creature in the Universe came into being as a result of events that were set in motion in the moment of the cosmic explosion...The Universe flashed into being, and we cannot find out what caused that to happen."9
Steven Weinberg, a Nobel laureate in Physics, said at the moment of this explosion, "the universe was about a hundred thousands million degrees Centigrade...and the universe was filled with light."10
The universe has not always existed. It had a start...what caused that? Scientists have no explanation for the sudden explosion of light and matter.
Now how can God not exist? What are we doing to show that to people? What are we doing to expand the kingdom of God? STOP THINKING AND ACT!!!!! NOW'S THE TIME.
1. Does God exist? The complexity of our planet points to a deliberate Designer who not only created our universe, but sustains it today.
Many examples showing God's design could be given, possibly with no end. But here are a few:
The Earth...its size is perfect. The Earth's size and corresponding gravity holds a thin layer of mostly nitrogen and oxygen gases, only extending about 50 miles above the Earth's surface. If Earth were smaller, an atmosphere would be impossible, like the planet Mercury. If Earth were larger, its atmosphere would contain free hydrogen, like Jupiter.3 Earth is the only known planet equipped with an atmosphere of the right mixture of gases to sustain plant, animal and human life.
The Earth is located the right distance from the sun. Consider the temperature swings we encounter, roughly -30 degrees to +120 degrees. If the Earth were any further away from the sun, we would all freeze. Any closer and we would burn up. Even a fractional variance in the Earth's position to the sun would make life on Earth impossible. The Earth remains this perfect distance from the sun while it rotates around the sun at a speed of nearly 67,000 mph. It is also rotating on its axis, allowing the entire surface of the Earth to be properly warmed and cooled every day.
And our moon is the perfect size and distance from the Earth for its gravitational pull. The moon creates important ocean tides and movement so ocean waters do not stagnate, and yet our massive oceans are restrained from spilling over across the continents.4
Water...colorless, odorless and without taste, and yet no living thing can survive without it. Plants, animals and human beings consist mostly of water (about two-thirds of the human body is water). You'll see why the characteristics of water are uniquely suited to life:
It has an unusually high boiling point and freezing point. Water allows us to live in an environment of fluctuating temperature changes, while keeping our bodies a steady 98.6 degrees.
Water is a universal solvent. This property of water means that thousands of chemicals, minerals and nutrients can be carried throughout our bodies and into the smallest blood vessels.5
Water is also chemically neutral. Without affecting the makeup of the substances it carries, water enables food, medicines and minerals to be absorbed and used by the body.
Water has a unique surface tension. Water in plants can therefore flow upward against gravity, bringing life-giving water and nutrients to the top of even the tallest trees.
Water freezes from the top down and floats, so fish can live in the winter.
Ninety-seven percent of the Earth's water is in the oceans. But on our Earth, there is a system designed which removes salt from the water and then distributes that water throughout the globe. Evaporation takes the ocean waters, leaving the salt, and forms clouds which are easily moved by the wind to disperse water over the land, for vegetation, animals and people. It is a system of purification and supply that sustains life on this planet, a system of recycled and reused water.6
The human brain...simultaneously processes an amazing amount of information. Your brain takes in all the colors and objects you see, the temperature around you, the pressure of your feet against the floor, the sounds around you, the dryness of your mouth, even the texture of your keyboard. Your brain holds and processes all your emotions, thoughts and memories. At the same time your brain keeps track of the ongoing functions of your body like your breathing pattern, eyelid movement, hunger and movement of the muscles in your hands.
The human brain processes more than a million messages a second.7 Your brain weighs the importance of all this data, filtering out the relatively unimportant. This screening function is what allows you to focus and operate effectively in your world. The brain functions differently than other organs. There is an intelligence to it, the ability to reason, to produce feelings, to dream and plan, to take action, and relate to other people.
The eye...can distinguish among seven million colors. It has automatic focusing and handles an astounding 1.5 million messages -- simultaneously.8 Evolution focuses on mutations and changes from and within existing organisms. Yet evolution alone does not fully explain the initial source of the eye or the brain -- the start of living organisms from nonliving matter.
2. Does God exist? The universe had a start - what caused it?
Scientists are convinced that our universe began with one enormous explosion of energy and light, which we now call the Big Bang. This was the singular start to everything that exists: the beginning of the universe, the start of space, and even the initial start of time itself.
Astrophysicist Robert Jastrow, a self-described agnostic, stated, "The seed of everything that has happened in the Universe was planted in that first instant; every star, every planet and every living creature in the Universe came into being as a result of events that were set in motion in the moment of the cosmic explosion...The Universe flashed into being, and we cannot find out what caused that to happen."9
Steven Weinberg, a Nobel laureate in Physics, said at the moment of this explosion, "the universe was about a hundred thousands million degrees Centigrade...and the universe was filled with light."10
The universe has not always existed. It had a start...what caused that? Scientists have no explanation for the sudden explosion of light and matter.
Now how can God not exist? What are we doing to show that to people? What are we doing to expand the kingdom of God? STOP THINKING AND ACT!!!!! NOW'S THE TIME.
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