So I’ve been reading and studying in Jeremiah and Gods just been forming my heart like crazy. For example, Gods telling Jerusalem that he’s going to destroy them because of their defiance and ignorance. For God has called Jeremiah the same way he's called me. Like in Jeremiah chapter one says
"Jer 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. "Jer 1:6 "Ah, Sovereign Lord," I said, "I do not know how to speak; I am only a child." Jer 1:7 But the Lord said to me, "Do not say, 'I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Jer 1:8 Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the Lord. Jer 1:9 Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, "Now, I have put my words in your mouth. Jer 1:10 See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant." Jer 1:11 The word of the Lord came to me: "What do you see, Jeremiah?" "I see the branch of an almond tree," I replied. Jer 1:12 The Lord said to me, "You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.
See here The Lord is telling Jeremiah to be like the almond tree. But why? So I looked into it and an almond tree was known as the wakening tree because it was the first tree to bloom then. So He's telling him to go and Wake people up, it’s like he's called him to be an alarm clock. Because what happens to the alarm clock when it wakes you up at 5 for work? Some people through it, hit it or just press sleep. And that’s what this world is doing, pressing the sleep button. But were called to take the beating if necessary and wake them up.
I’ve also been reading the Sermons of Martin Luther and he brings up a good point about comfort. The Lord is our comforter right? This is how Martin Luther puts it, “For what good is comfort, if there is no sorrow and affliction weighing down on ones neck? The fact is, your suffering will not only involve death (that would be trifling and tolerable), but, worse still, those who kill you will think they are carrying out justice, yes, even doing God a service, as though you were in the wrong, not plain wicked murder, but as though a cloud of shame hung over you, with everyone saying: Yes, that hereic got what was coming to him; there was no alternative, and so on. Thus the Lord wishes to indicate that for the apostles and Christians, not even in death would there be solace”. The part that gets me he when it say’s “For what good is comfort, if there is no sorrow and affliction weighing down on ones neck?” Why are we looking for comfort if we are not doing anything to have sorrow or affliction over? I personally think that if you aren’t getting hit by the devil then you’re not working hard enough to grow the kingdom on our Lord Jesus Christ.
Clinging Confidently
But for those of you who are getting beaten or having affliction there is comfort. Even if you can’t find it God say’s “You will find little comfort, but I am not going to let you be stuck under this assault. I won’t lead you into a quagmire to down you; rather, when there is no more comfort to be had anywhere and you are frightened and at wit’s end, then will I send the Holy Spirit who is and is called the Comforter. Have faith and do not despair; do not concern yourself with the judgment of the world, nor the judgment of your own thoughts, but cling confidently to what I say.
2 Different types of Comfort
The first is a worldly comfort, which is false and counterfeit, because it directs a person to rely on material goods, fame, honor, power and the assistance and sympathy of the high and mighty. You, my disciples, Christ says, will get no comfort there, but everything will be against you rather than for you; the world will use its power, honor, goods and wealth to extinguish you. This comfort only brings miserable, poor, uncertain comfort and its temporary relief.
The second comforter s the Holy Spirit, who will comfort you when you are frightened and discouraged, miserable and wretched, forsaken both by other people and by your own hearts. That’s why the Holy Spirit carries the name, because he is a true Comforter who doses not fail. Where there is sorrow and affliction, that’s where you find the Holy Spirit, the Comforter.
So this is just a little bit that God is showing me and teaching me. He’s molding my heart into his and it feels awesome! Please continue to pray that God continues to grow me and form my heart. Thank you all for the prayers, love and support.
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